Dojo Toolkit 1.7.1
It's impossible now to refresh a store of a combobox through assigning new store object to the "store" attribute. But you can use this simple solution:
var myComboBox = {};
function fReloadDataToComboBox()
var myStore = new dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore({
url: "myService"
myComboBox = new dijit.form.ComboBox({
id: "myComboBox",
name: "my_name",
store: myStore,
searchAttr: "name",
onChange: fOnChangeComboBox
dojo.place(myComboBox.domNode, dojo.byId("myDiv"));
Dojo Toolkit 1.7.1
It's impossible now to refresh a store of a combobox through assigning new store object to the "store" attribute. But you can use this simple solution:
var myComboBox = {};
function fReloadDataToComboBox()
var myStore = new dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore({
url: "myService"
myComboBox = new dijit.form.ComboBox({
id: "myComboBox",
name: "my_name",
store: myStore,
searchAttr: "name",
onChange: fOnChangeComboBox
dojo.place(myComboBox.domNode, dojo.byId("myDiv"));
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